Neuropathic or Non-Odontogenic Pain
Non-odontogenic orofacial pain is frequently of musculoskeletal, neurovascular, neuropathic or vascular origin, and is not consistent with an odontogenic (related to the tooth) source of pain. If you have unexplained pain in the jaw, head, neck or gums, a further evaluation is in order to determine your symptoms and the source of your pain in order to establish a treatment protocol.
Non-tooth related pain in the mouth
Head and neck pain or gum pain
Dull persistent pain
Electric shock pain
Short bouts of pain with no obvious cause
Pain brought on by putting on makeup, brushing hair, shaving, light touch of the face
MRI of blood vessels in the brain by nerve
History evaluation to see what areas are affected
Symptom evaluation
If MRI shows evidence of nerve compression, Microvascular Decompression Surgery is recommended
Referral to Neurosurgeon