Everything You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Figuring out when to proceed with your wisdom teeth removal can be a stressful, scary situation to face. It’s a question commonly asked by patients and there are many different factors at play when making this decision. Knowing what signs to watch out for can make the situation easier to manage, and at Charleston Oral and Facial Surgery, we’re here to help every step of the way.
Age, overall health and the stage of wisdom teeth growth are just a few factors at play. Symptoms such as jaw pain, swelling of the jaw or swollen, tender or bleeding gums, also indicate it’s time to consult an oral surgeon.
Our surgeons recommend having a wisdom teeth extraction early—between the age range of early teens to early 20s. Research has found that patients in this age range typically experience fewer complications during the wisdom teeth extraction and recover more quickly compared to older patients. The longer wisdom teeth are allowed to grow in, the harder it may be to extract them as their roots grow longer and can anchor into the jawbone by around age 40.
Wisdom teeth tend to come in during the late teen years, fully erupting by the early 20s. Depending on a person’s jaw, there may not be enough room for the wisdom teeth to grow in correctly, causing pain, impacted wisdom teeth and a myriad of other symptoms. The human jaw can usually only hold 28 teeth. When your wisdom teeth start coming in, 32 teeth are now trying to fit in a tight space.
Consistently consulting with your dentist and oral surgeon during this time is critical. They can take a panoramic x-ray of the teeth and jaw to help predict how your wisdom teeth may grow in and monitor any potential issues such as infection or cysts. The results will help you and your care provider work closely to create a plan of action.
Pain is what usually drives someone to move forward with wisdom teeth removal. What if you’re not in any pain? Patients not experiencing any discomfort as a result of wisdom teeth eruption may be tempted to postpone their extraction. Granted, some people do live their whole lives without having an issue, but the surgeons at COAFS recommend you have wisdom teeth removed proactively. Getting them removed sooner is not only better for your heath but can be more cost-effective in the long run.
The health and growth of wisdom teeth affects the teeth around them. Gum problems in the surrounding area may be likely on top of overcrowding and overall discomfort. Impacted wisdom teeth alone can cause sinus problems, cysts, abscesses and infections. All of these potential hardships, and their related costs, can be avoided by consulting with your dentist and scheduling your wisdom teeth removal with a reputable oral surgeon as soon as possible.
Once you’ve consulted with your dentist and decided to proceed with your wisdom teeth extraction, you’ll need to find the right oral surgeon. That’s where we come in—call our office at 843-762-9028 for an estimate. With spring break right around the corner, there’s no better time than now.
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