To prevent opioids from becoming a source of harm or abuse , we offer Exparel, a non-narcotic local analgesic that provides long-lasting post-surgical pain control.
In 2010, more than 12 million patients reported using prescription pain medications non-medically and 5.1 million people were classified as prescription opioid abusers. Every day, approximately 2,100 adolescents aged 12-17 years use a prescription pain reliever non-medically for the first time.
We strive to help prevent opioids from becoming a source of harm or abuse by offering Exparel, a non-narcotic local analgesic that provides long-lasting post-surgical pain control.
Exparel starts working before you feel the pain. It is injected directly into the surgical site during your procedure and numbs the area. Since it provides long-lasting pain control, you may need fewer pain medications.
Exparel is a great option for anyone with high anxiety about oral surgery procedures and anyone concerned about opioid abuse and hopes to reduce the risk of opioid dependence.
We are currently the only oral surgeons in the area offering Exparel as an option to patients and we are happy to answer any questions you may have. Please give us a call at 843-762-9028.
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